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Can you help us fund a wellbeing hub?

Can you help us purchase a wellbeing hub to improve your community's mental health?

Our goal is have a safe, central hub for our exciting new community garden, Project Hive. Here, families and individuals are given chance to have time away from the daily world, whilst learning to grow flowers, fruits and vegetables. They can do it at their own pace, by themselves, with a group, as a family or with their project worker.

Coming to Project Hive means the families that we support get to reenergise themselves, build social skills and can aim to complete an NOCN in Horticulture. The wellbeing hub is vital to making Project Hive accessible to all, come rain or shine.

£900 will help us purchase a wellbeing hub pictured above from Garden Buildings Direct. However, we would welcome a donation of a second hand hub as this would help us acheive our Project Hive values of recycle, repurpose, reduce!

If we were to receive a donation of a building, any funds raised as part of this would be used to purchase any additional needs furniture or gardening tools!

You can donate here

Thank you to everyone who has already donated and given their time to get this project up and running. Anything you can give will be hugely appreciated, thank you in advance.